Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pollution Control

Air Pollution Control System.
Developed over the past couple years, the air pollution control system (IAPCS) is an integrated model which includes material balance in addition to the emission summary, preliminary design, and annualized cost estimate. Written in a C language and FORTRAN, it was made to be used on a compatible PC or an IBM. Its requirements are a 640k with lower RAM and require a 1.5 Mb space minimum. With updates completed at different times of its development, it seems to be held in different confidence levels with those involved. The purpose of the integrated air pollution control system is to estimate the control system costs for nitrogen oxide (NOx) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) in real-world utility plants, performing estimates of cost and performance. The costs are available in dollars amounts for any year for its output. This also involves costs for its first year and that of leveled costs, with the cost per unit of pollutant reduced. Many technologies can have its costs estimated through the new air pollution control system. With about 300 variables, the air pollution control system model includes coal analysis, boiler characteristics, pollution control design criteria, desired pollution control technologies, and economic assumptions. Default values in its parameter file in all areas, except the desired pollution control technology. This is a great advantage so the user is required only to supply units necessary for a specific analysis. The different technologies that can utilize the air pollution control system are the SO2 Control, the NOx Control, particulate matter, and combustion technologies with future users being able to include control regulators, utility companies, architect and engineering companies, legislators, and public utility commissions. The preliminary design of the air pollution control system includes its preliminary design with an output of capital cost estimate, emission summary, annualized cost estimate, material balance, capital charges with operation and maintenance expenses for 16 individual and combination control technologies. This design is applicable to coal-fired power plants, which range in 100-1300 Mwe of electric generating capacity.
DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES utilizing the integrated air pollution control system:• O2 controlo The wet flue gas desulfurizationo The process of lime spray dryingo Advanced silicate process, referred to as ADVACATEo A coal supply optiono Utilizing lime injection with dry sorbent injection• NOx control o Low NOx combustiono Natural gas re-burningo Selective catalytic reduction (SCR)o Selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR)• Particulate Matter o Electrostatic precipitatoro Fabric filtero Gas conditioning (humidification and SO3)• Combustion Technologies o Atmospheric and pressurized fluidized-bed combustiono Integrated gasification combined cycle. link....

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