Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why is Reducing Pollution Important?

The reduction of pollution is the biggest challenge of the 21st century. From global climate change to the synergistic reactions of man made chemicals in the food supply, there are many fronts that require action from ordinary people all over the world. Thankfully, with concerted effort, it can be done.
At, you can get plenty of good advice on how to reduce your own pollution "footprint," with the eBook, "Reducing Pollution: Tips for Clean Living in the 21st Century." It outlines everything you need to know about reducing your impact and making the world a better place for everyone and everything through personal action, consumption patterns and even purchasing decisions.
Water pollution
While it was once thought that the waters of the world were so vast that no amount of pollution pumped into them could possibly make a difference. This is patently false, and these very pollutants are fed back into the human food chain by the animals and plants of the sea that people consume, bio-magnified in their tissues.
Soil contamination
Whether it's the leaking of an old oil pan or the very deliberate burial of toxic waste in drums that are sure to leak, the soil is home to a great many polluted sites, many of which are leaking their poisons into the groundwater supply, decades later.
Air pollution
Like the oceans, it has been thought that the sky is infinite and can hold all manner of pollutants. However, people have come to realize that this highly buffered system has a profound and delayed reaction to the invisible threats that have been emitted into what amounts to a single, closed system.
Toxic chemicals
While otherwise benign substances can become pollutants when the concentration becomes too great, some things are simply toxic from the start. Other items are safe on their own at even very high levels, but when they react with other safe chemical in small amounts, their synergistic byproducts are horrific.
Ecosystem degradation
Whether it's amphibians or people, an ecosystem is an infinitely complex web of life that is fundamental to health and survival. Pollution, in all its many and varied forms, is responsible for causing the sort of environmental degradation that threatens to unravel the tapestry of life on Earth.
Making the change
Even if you don't own your own factory, you can still make significant changes that drastically decrease your contribution to pollution. "Reducing Pollution: Tips for Clean Living in the 21st Century," and get started on fixing the problem where you live. link....

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